UK Universities have no statutory obligation to care about their students.

But we’re here and we care.

Trigger warning: mentions of suicide and traumatic experiences.

‘Higher education providers owe a duty of care to their students.’ This is the one line of text needed in legislation to ensure UK Universities act reasonably and responsibly - that’s it, that’s is all we’re asking for.

ForThe100 want the safety of our students to be a legal must.

In alliance with:

We’re like you: mums, dads, brothers, sisters, friends, families, young people, old people, students… from all walks of life. And, like you, we want students across the UK to be protected.

But not everybody is safe at university.

You might be thinking: students pay a lot of money to get a university education, and a commitment to act in a way that puts students first is included in the fees?

But you’d be wrong.

We want the safety of our students to be a ‘legal must’. It is not negotiable! We want to put a stop to students being treated as if they do not matter.

That’s why we’re fighting.

What is ForThe100?

We’re fighting…

For the 100s psychologically harmed by their universities.

For the 100s who suffer from the poor decisions made by their universities.

For the 100s of families and friends struggling through grief.


Every dot represents a life.

Lost Voices.

Phoebe, 20
Newcastle University

“I won't give up on this for as long as I live - for Phoebe and to save lives. There is no law at our Unis - thy can say/do what they like. They had my mobile but didn't phone me.”

- Hilary, Phoebe’s Mother

Oskar, 21
Sheffield Hallam University

"Our son did not come to Sheffield to die, he came to learn skills and to meet friends. Oskar is not able to put his side of the story over, so as his parents it is our duty to give him a voice."

- Maxine, Oskar’s Mother

Romy, 21
University of Edinburgh

“I tell all my friends: don’t send your child to university and think they will be taken care of. Don’t rely on the university to do that.”

- Libby, Romy’s Mother

Natasha, 20
University of Bristol

"Although the judge in our case found that the university caused Natasha’s death by discriminating against her, he said he couldn’t find that the university was negligent because it didn’t owe Natasha a ‘common law duty of care’"

- Bob, Natasha’s Father

Theo, 21
University of East Anglia

"Despite using all the university’s preferred and promoted systems, despite his emails, despite their observations of his poor mental and physical state, despite their knowledge of his poor attendance and academic struggle, the university failed together in acting to help Theo, or to inform those who could help Theo to get well."

- Esther, Theo's Mother

Naseeb, 21
Leeds Beckett University

"The University neglected our son over a period of five months, did not provide any support when Naseeb reached an academic crisis, and failed to adequately risk-assess him shortly before he died when Naseeb asked for counselling. Without a Statutory Duty of Care to HE students, we cannot hold the University to account for negligence."

- Balwant, Naseeb's Mother

Anu, 21
Leeds Trinity University

“Anu's death should not have happened. We are no longer prepared to continue to allow our children to be at the mercy of institutions that do not value their lives. We will not grieve silently and allow those that caused Anu to take such a devastating action, to walk away without being held accountable.”

- Anu’s Parents

Harry, 21
University of Exeter

“I can’t forgive them for not seeing that Harry’s marks had plunged that much and he needed help. He probably felt it was the end of the world […] They assumed that because he was quiet he wouldn’t have wanted to be contacted. Someone should have checked how he was.”

- Alice, Harry’s Mother

Lucy, 22
Liverpool John Moores University

"I can't bring her back, all I can do in her memory is make sure other families don't go through this hell. I wasn't given a chance to help. I gave birth to her and brought her up single-handedly. I didn't send her to university to die. It’s as simple as that."

- Liz , Lucy’s Mother

Mared, 21
Cardiff University

"Mared had a message saying she'd failed, then later we were told she hadn't failed. To be informed that you can't progress, with no contact from the university, would have been awful for anyone, let alone a 21-year-old student.”

- Mared’s Parents

Our Story so far

Trigger warning: mentions of suicide and traumatic experiences.

Students are entitled to be well treated, without a Statutory Duty of Care everything is optional not mandatory.

25 bereaved families originally petitioned parliament calling for universities to have a legal duty of care towards their students. For The 100 picked up the reins as part of a wider alliance covering a broader range of issues that would be resolved by this Statutory Duty of Care.

On the 19th March 2023, the petition closed with 128,292 signatures and a debate was held in parliament on Monday 5th June 2023. Despite strong cross party support the Government didn’t listen, so the fight continues.